What is the difference between PCOD and PCOS: PCOS Exercise

by vedas cure

PCOS means polycystic ovarian syndrome and Polycystic ovarian disease is more common than you think in women of childbearing age. It is indeed a significant problem in infertility cases, affecting 1 in 15 women, and some studies, up to 10% are women. PCOD and PCOS and infertility are paramount in the medical world to determine the best way to treat symptoms and develop a treatment.

Causes of PCOD

 The hormonal balance in the woman’s body must be correct and sufficiently produced for ovulation. PCOD occurs as a result of hormone imbalance, which, in turn, affects other hormones in an ongoing cycle. This phenomenon results in many consequences.

 For example, ulcers now form on the surface of enlarged ovaries. This can cause other hormonal production problems, but otherwise, it may not be harmful. It should be noted that PCOS is usually passed on both sides of the family.

Also, the body typically produces high levels of the male hormone, androgens, and this process can also cause insulin resistance. A woman with androgen deficiency can cause excessive hair growth on the face and body, as well as acne.

 During regular periods, the egg follicles develop in the ovaries and, at the appropriate time, release eggs, causing ovulation. Excess androgens may limit this process.

 Unfortunately, diabetes can occur when blood sugar levels rise because the body does not use insulin well. Thus, as is evident here, PCOS causes hormonal imbalance, which leads to an excess of androgens, which can lead to diabetes, as well as infertility. This is not a good thing and, as you can see, is a complex process. Check the link.

 PCOS causes infertility

 So, how do you know that PCOS is the cause of your infertility? First of all, remember that many women can have PCOS without even knowing. Symptoms may vary in each case and usually develop slowly over time. It can begin at puberty after the onset of menstruation. The first signs may be excessive hair,

 But abnormal weight gain, high blood pressure, pelvic pain, lack of sleep, and even depression can occur. Second, if you have been diagnosed with PCOS, it is almost sure that the cause of your infertility is present and treatment will be tailored accordingly.

 Symptoms of POCD

 In general, with PCOS, infertility is the primary concern. However, all symptoms are usually treated according to appropriate procedures, especially against acne, hair growth, insulin levels, and obesity. Although the exact cause of regular PCOS Exercise and hormonal problems is unknown, diagnosis is simple, and treatment of symptoms is usually sufficient.

 Since there is no cure for PCOS Exercise, treatment should be symptom-based, which usually regulates hormones and alleviates most problems. Drugs treat hormone problems like metformin, Look on this website.

 Treatment of PCOD

Which improves insulin absorption and helps adjust the treatment of the POCD menstrual cycle and even restore fertility. Of course, focusing on common health issues such as smoking, healthy eating, exercise, and weight lifting will help you. Sometimes weight control alone can improve hormone balance and reduce infertility.

To facilitate the procedure, fertility treatment is usually required and may include IVF, IVM, surgery, and medications. You may need medicines such as Clomid, which are typically given to increase estrogen levels and promote ovulation.

30 to 40% of women with PCOS will conceive of this drug treatment. Otherwise, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be attempted in which mature eggs are harvested, fertilized, and placed in the uterus.

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