Dogs & Cats: learn how to protect these pets from the cold

by artesianwell

If most animals are better equipped than us to face the winter, they remain sensitive to temperatures! And depending on their breeds and templates, some animals are more fragile than others.

Here are some useful tips to protect your dog or cat from the cold by obtaining suitable dog outfits.

Do our pets feel cold?

Our four-legged friends have a coat or fur that protects them from the cold. However, that does not mean that they are not sensitive to it. Animals that have a thin, light or sparse coat feel colder than those with thick and bountiful fur.

But other criteria also come into play, as follows:

Age: puppies and kittens are more sensitive to cold, as are older animals;

The body shape: sick animals, recently operated, convalescent, are more concerned.

The physical state: a lean or overweight dog or cat will have a harder time regulating its temperature.

Assure that your dogs are well-covered outside

It is outdoors that pets are most likely to catch a cold snap. However, that doesn’t mean depriving them of a winter outing – this advice concerns mainly dogs – because they need to spend a lot of energy during the winter season. Overprotecting your pet by leaving it indoors all the time is not the best solution.

Some tips to limit the risks and to ensure the comfort of your companion outside:

Of course, when it’s very cold, do not expose your pet too long and take it out at the hottest hours of the day;

If it is snowing or the air is wet, remember to dry your animal when it comes back. Do not forget to wipe the pads under the legs, or even apply specific products to soothe and protect.

For a cat, your home must be equipped with a pet door so that it can go inside as soon as it needs to warm up. For dogs, if your garden is equipped with a niche, remember to insulate the floor with a carpet for more comfort.

A wardrobe could be (sometimes) necessary

Depending on the size and habits of your dog, clothes are quite suitable for going out in the winter. Your pet may also need a coat, socks, dog jacket, or slippers. These are far from futile: not only do they protect the legs from cold and cracking, but also from the salt that sometimes spilled on the sidewalks in winter, which can be annoying.

Good to know: slippers can also be useful in summer. When temperatures are very high, the heat of the asphalt/tar is also dangerous to the legs of the animals.

Top tip!

In some animals, the purchase of accessories is reimbursed. Depending on your contract, you can potentially benefit from support for a coat, slippers, or others.

Watchfulness should be also applied inside as outside

In a heated interior, animals are more protected. Be sure to place your pet’s basket near a heating source, and avoid air currents and closeness to doors and windows.

As for food, if it’s very cold and your pet is spending a lot, consider increasing the food rations a little. This advice does not apply to sedentary animals, like most cats, which do not need it. Finally, even when it’s cold, always fill the bowl of your pet with fresh water. With heating, dogs and cats can dehydrate quickly.

What if my pet got cold?

Loss of appetite, shortness of breath, cough, fever, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting; these symptoms may be related to a cold snap. In case of any doubt, it is best to consult a vet. These diseases, which are often benign to us, can be more disquieting in animals. Better to treat them quickly to avoid any complications!

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