Why Great Managers Focus on Outcomes, Not Output?

by artesianwell

The old adage – ‘Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently’, is apt in today’s business surroundings.

Great managers don’t do different things. They do things differently.

‘’I never thought what I wanted.

I always thought about what they wanted.’’

-Jack Ma

These are the words of one of the most successful business magnets in the world. He is looked up by millennials around the globe today. Wonder why leaders like him are so popular today?

Did you know why good leaders always focus on the right kind of results, and rather than being hasty, wait for those results to turn into a set of long-term benefits?

Surprisingly, it is the training thing. Today, there are multiple options for you to learn the career-changing skills. Project management Certification Training Course has been the buzz of the market today for the same.

Let’s understand in detail what exactly makes managers around the world so successful and empowering.

Output Vs Outcomes

These are two different terms, so steer clear of any confusion. Here’s a quick example for you.

Suppose, you as a manager have organized a workshop on employees’ rights. Participants who attended it have now got a thorough understanding of employees’ rights issues. Hence, this is an output the project/event has achieved and it is achieved right after the conclusion of the workshop.

If the participants have started to mobilize their community members to seek their employees’ rights then it is an outcome of the project.

This is exactly what the great and successful managers from across the platforms have been doing. They have completely transformed their personal and professional lives with this outcomes-based approach.

In a nutshell, outputs are those results which are achieved immediately after implementing an activity or task.

Whereas, outcomes are not seen quickly after the end of the project activity. But after some time, when we see some real change at the base level because of the project activity, it can be called as an outcome.

Issues with output-based approach?

A company may have a product or service to deliver to the end customer. As a manager, your role is to get the things done by your teams.

Over the years, most of the managers have excessively focused on the day-to-day or short term results or outputs.

And this activity by and large, has hampered the employees’ attitude and performance towards the work in many ways.

Majority of certified managers work to create a defined output. But just because we’ve finished making a product doesn’t mean that the product is going to create the desired economic value for the same, at least not in a flash!

If we want to talk about sustainable success, we have to talk about outcomes, not just outputs.

Why the outcomes-based approach is winning the game today?

Smart managers and organizations exactly spotted this and turned their strategy and approach on outcomes-based approach.

They know, it doesn’t end at merely finishing the goal or achieving the target in today’s competitive business world.

Winning the client and making him or her our regular customer is an utmost aspect in a throat-cutting corporate environment.

Many successful global companies have been practicing the outcomes-based approach for the past many years.

And this is the true quality of the great mangers.

How you too can focus on outcomes?

We have gathered some of the best practical tips for you to become a great manger.

  1. A Mindset Shift

Figuring out what the true objective of our company is and what that means to all of us. As a manager, if you succeed in finding this for yourself and embedding in your team’s mind then they will start connecting the organizational goals to their own goals. Doing this can motivate your team to work like nothing else.

  1. Become a Mentor

Avoid being bossy. Being your team member’s guide, makes you implement your ideas and actions more strategically. This ultimately helps you and your organization to grow more sustainably.

  1. Have a Regular Performance Check-up

This gives you a nice chance to discuss long-term outcomes with your team players one-on-one. You can make sure employees don’t get too bogged down by the outputs.

You can use this to set and check in on individual goals as well as how the employee’s role ties into the larger organization’s picture.

  1. Matching Talent to Task

Not each team member’s capacity is the same. They all have different and unique skill sets. A manager should strategically put the person in the right place.

  1. Values First

In the end, the value received by the end customer makes the whole difference. Let your teammates sink into this.

There is more to it. But for the time being, let us leave you with a life-changing message.

This outcomes-based approach does not come easily to all managers. Many need the training to get acquainted with all the aspects of the outcomes-based approach.

We hope, you will leave no stone unturned to becoming a great manager.  

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